
Faith Partners Research in National Journal

Faith Partners published The Faith Community, Substance Abuse, and Readiness for Change: A National Study. This independently conducted research paper includes the results of their nation-wide study on the vital role that faith communities play in addressing substance abuse disorders. The study examines a theory-driven model of congregational readiness (defined as a faith community’s intention and preparedness to address and support recovery from substance use disorders) using a national cross-sectional study of 45 faith communities (composed of 3,649 members). This may give both on-going and newly emerging Faith Partners groups a great deal of professional credibility to leverage in their efforts at developing effective team responses. Download the entire paper from the Journal of Social Service Research.

So Help Me God

So Help Me God is a 2-year study by Columbia University’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) examined the link between God, religion, and spirituality and substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery.

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